Preparation Question: The importance of clearly defining the goal in the study of Kabbalah is the beginning of the path. Once the goal is defined, you will continue to refine it to keep yourself perfectly aimed at the target. How would you currently define the goal for which you are studying?

New Home Forums Course Forums Kabbalah Revealed Interactive – Part 2 Week 3 Discuss Preparation Question: The importance of clearly defining the goal in the study of Kabbalah is the beginning of the path. Once the goal is defined, you will continue to refine it to keep yourself perfectly aimed at the target. How would you currently define the goal for which you are studying?

  • #37695

    Preparation Question: The importance of clearly defining the goal in the study of Kabbalah is the beginning of the path. Once the goal is defined, you will continue to refine it to keep yourself perfectly aimed at the target. How would you currently define the goal for which you are studying?

Viewing 6 posts - 229 through 234 (of 381 total)
  • Author
    • #308484

      to feel connected….

    • #308462

      I want to finally be able to enter a spiritual path that can show me the meaning of my existence. I’ve been in search of it since I was 8 years old. I’ve had good and bad moments, I even consider I’ve been a happy person most of my life, but there’s no other lure for me in this life if I can’t find that other “dimension”.

    • #308444

      I’ve heard that when we get off track by 100 degrees, it happened one degree at a time. My goal then is to stay aligned with the teachings, open to correction, and follow the path given.

    • #308430
      John Caton

      If I’m to exist, I want my existence to be in sync with that of the controlling forces.

    • #307300
      Adelina Santos

      The goal is to change my intention toward bestowal and by that, to reveal the Creator.

    • #305973

      This is the most difficult preparation question yet.  For me, the immediate goal is to step across the boundary and into the spiritual world.

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