Preparation Question: This time, instead of answering a question, write a message to your fellow students: What do you wish for them? How can we rebuild that collective soul and become a vessel for the light?

New Home Forums Course Forums Kabbalah Revealed Interactive – Part 1 Week 4 Discuss Preparation Question: This time, instead of answering a question, write a message to your fellow students: What do you wish for them? How can we rebuild that collective soul and become a vessel for the light?

  • #28805

    Preparation Question: This time, instead of answering a question, write a message to your fellow students: What do you wish for them? How can we rebuild that collective soul and become a vessel for the light?

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    • #426109

      I wish that everyone would be vessels of light and spread it throughout the world

    • #425823

      what I wish for us if you join our pieces back together and be the oneness that we are. Why aren’t we one piece why is it so hard to join together after all or just pieces of the oneness. we truly cannot be whole until we join as one. Just fragmented pieces. Like standing in a dark cave with their hands outstretched trying to find the sides of the wall of the cave. we truly can’t see the light until we become one. We can’t live with each other and we can’t live without each other. That needs to be rectified.  we need to have death of self, The flesh death of self. And expand the unseen part of our self, the spark the light the feeling. Instead of being more connected to our vessel than our spirit self. we exist and experience of flesh material existence and sometimes have a spiritual moment where we feel up lifted and connected to the creator. Like sitting on the rim of the Grand Canyon without a care in the world no hustle and bustle of the world our jobs and all the flash duties that we do the grind of the world. We feel some thing that we cannot put in words nor our brain chatter. Our mind is quiet and in awe. having that spiritual moment when you gaze upon the magnificent creation. We’ve all experienced something similar to dad and one way or the other. But it’s fleeting, lasting but only for a moment until the flesh world drags us back to reality of the flesh. or like a balloon, it wants to float up and up to the heavens and the world is holding onto the string. Let go of the string we connect with the creator. A creature that both wants to lower in the upper world at the same time.

      question is how do we be spiritual beings having only a flesh experience, instead of a flesh being only having a spiritual experience.

      how do we sit at the rim of the Grand Canyon and all feeling totally connected to the creator. How do we get up and walk away from the rim of the Grand Canyon and carry that spiritual connection back into the flesh world. The only way is to have death of self how do you have desktop self. by taming the beast side of our creation. that beast side of us is holding that string to the balloon trying to keep us planted in the material world and it’s calling all the shots it’s ruling over the spiritual side of us. That’s what we are that’s who we are a spiritual being having a temporary human experience. And if we all can overcome that and have our spiritual being ruling over the flesh, recognizing the creator etc. by proxy we all become one minded and have the exact same experience of being not of this world but only in it. Able to function in this matrix not as a flesh be sold person but as a spiritual heavenly being. I heavenly being lol I can’t see a heavenly creature. When I hear were creatures I relate that to being the animal side of us in the flesh body lol that’s just my own taste of the matter. Need a digress

      I don’t want to write hundreds of pages but I’ll leave it at this. Some of us have had severe hardships near death experiences and severe trauma and some of us have had less of it. People with severe trauma near death experiences and an overall very tough life tend to be more spiritual than those who haven’t experienced those things. I’ll try to say this in a short way. Each person has to do what it takes to get them to be alienated out of the grind of every day life as much as possible and train them selves to be able to live in lower world  with the mindset of the upper world and act accordingly in harmony with the behavior of a heavenly mindset in person that takes discipline but it’s doable. I’m not saying get a stick and beat yourself and cause your self severe pain although that would be a quick way to do it lol  but you can challenge yourself start with simple character traits like the past of the just book. Catch yourself when you’re doing things that the creator doesn’t want you to do. he gives us a handbook and he tells us to do or not do these things…. we follow the same rule book. and the creator will begin to dwell in us and guide us down this path. Example the creator cannot and will not dwell in a fired up angry vessel. well that’s pretty easy. We just start with one issue at a time understand anger understand where it comes from contemplate it and never allow yourself to be angry or yell at someone. I think too often people don’t realize truly how self-absorbed we become in the world. Drama trauma. So we have to walk the walk and talk talk, we must first gain attributes of  God the creator. once we initiate our control over our flesh and begin molding ourselves exposing our true selves as a heavenly being, the creator will reach down grab our hand and help pull us up that ladder. But we have to show our self approved.

      I would’ve like to say more and speak it more eloquently but it’s hard in this comment section and I’m stressed out if it’s too long and I’m on my phone and AI is trying my anger L O L it keeps trying to change my words. However it did not break me nor did I lose my temper at the AI. I hope the creator is proud of me for that. That’s how it is you just walk yes. When you love with all your heart and all your soul and all your might. Become mindful because you love something more than yourself it makes it so much easier four one to have self contemplation, self correction so we can become the caterpillar that turns into the butterfly. My artificial intelligence on my phone is trying me again so I must end here. I truly do love all of you. And I hope you love each other.

    • #425755

      I wish to remove all the barriers that causes separation.

    • #424570
      Joshua Price

      I pray that you will all fully connect with the light.

    • #424484

      I wish for all to connect as one in aare hearts

    • #423538

      I wish us that we see the desire of others with an open heart and having the opportunity to give with the right intention. It´s so beneficial to have somebody to share with.

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