Preparation Question: To what perception of reality do we want the study of Kabbalah to lead us?

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  • This topic has 1,378 replies, 1,243 voices, and was last updated 12 minutes ago by Len.
Viewing 6 posts - 631 through 636 (of 1,357 total)
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    • #318919

      To be able to perceive that which is outside of our body.

    • #318889
      Nathan Matindas

      The objective perception of reality, which would be similar to perceiving the creator directly.

    • #318888

      I cannot change my perception of reality without a union with the creator. so I need the Kabbalah to lead me to that union that will enable me to see the true reality using my spiritual sense rather than my world sense. as the Kabbalah helps increase my desire I plead to the creator to give me light to perceive.

    • #318788

      To develop the full perception of reality, uninhibited by the barrier or the ego. To do everything aligned with the sensation of the creator

    • #318787

      To understand the will of the creator and have full perception of reality.

    • #318668

      To be able to perceive true reality not limited by the barriers of our five senses and the programme we have been given to make sense of everything.

Viewing 6 posts - 631 through 636 (of 1,357 total)
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