Preparation Question: To what perception of reality do we want the study of Kabbalah to lead us?

New Home Forums Course Forums Kabbalah Revealed Interactive – Part 1 Week 2 Discuss Preparation Question: To what perception of reality do we want the study of Kabbalah to lead us?

Viewing 6 posts - 763 through 768 (of 1,361 total)
  • Author
    • #308754
      Dustin Caldwell

      The Will to Bestow.

    • #308721

      To perceive reality as it is outside of our bodies.

    • #308710

      The preception of the unseen and attainment of higher self.

    • #308473

      I want to perceive reality as it is, and not as I currently perceive it to be, through my 5 senses or through hearsay.

    • #308464
      Lora Vatalaro

      To the perception of reality beyond the limitations of the five corporeal senses and into the perception of the whole of reality, the perception of the Creator’s Light, and into the Equivalence of Form that will allow our souls to participate in the Desire to Bestow to the whole of creation.

    • #308368

      To what perception of reality do we want the study of Kabbalah to lead us?

      I want to lead / create my life from the inside (Divinity within) / to be in sync with the Creator. To be fulfilled.

Viewing 6 posts - 763 through 768 (of 1,361 total)
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