Preparation Question: To what perception of reality do we want the study of Kabbalah to lead us?

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    • #307027
      Naila Saidi

      perception of reality as is from point view of the creator.

      How silly! it is as if you are asking an ant to tell you about the complexity of the human brain!!


    • #306935

      Complete perception versus current incomplete perception.

    • #306855
      Eugene Sokol

      To understand the will to receive & the will to bestow in which the will to bestow grows greater than the will to receive. I guess the end goal is to receive unbound pleasure in bestowal.

    • #306775

      I’m hoping to break the physical and egocentric perception of my current state, and view life & Reality from the perspective and view point of my highest self. A me without the term “I” and without self benefit and pleasure centric view. One that I can view the full spectrum of reality beyond the spectrum of my benefits, Time, and physical perception. 

    • #306722
      yanky leonorovitz

      Perceiving that it’s all good

    • #306635

      I am hoping to understand all levels.  We need specific info/knowledge/perception for this virtual level.  Even if it is an illusion, there seems to be something that we must do to keep on track.  We cannot ignore it.  But the spiritual perception is the one that counts, as it were.  Everything else seems to be just signposts to the perception that brings us to awareness of our actual spiritual equivalence of form with the Creator.

Viewing 6 posts - 781 through 786 (of 1,361 total)
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