Preparation Question: To what perception of reality do we want the study of Kabbalah to lead us?

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    • #305382

      To the perception beyond egoism towards bestowal. To perceive as the creator does.

    • #305370
      Dr Jim

      To lead us to the ‘Reality’ beyond even any limited individual, social, cultural, racial, even human perception of what it might be.

    • #305306

      To a reality as unfiltered as possible. I imagine this to be perceiving reality without forcing my perception into a category I have already defined.

    • #305305
      Juan Londono

      The study of Kabbalah opens us up to the perception of the creator and his intention.  It lets us lift our perception from egoism and limited physical existence/darkness to one of bestowal and light.

    • #305271
      Sara Schemmel

      To be honest, I’m not sure Kabbalah is really changing my perception of reality.  I have always experienced beyond my 5 senses for as long as I can remember.  I could always feel my soul.  I could always sense God.  I have always been able to see from other’s perspectives as well and understand what they experience.  Even my memories are in a third person perspective as if I was experiencing life from outside my body.  I’m hoping Kabbalah can actually explain why I have always been able to do this beyond understanding the concepts of going up degrees of receiving Light (pleasure) from God.

    • #305268

      We want Kabbalah to lead us to a perception of reality past or outside of our 5 senses.

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