Preparation Question: To what perception of reality do we want the study of Kabbalah to lead us?

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    • #303055

      Individually, or as a group? For me… learning kabbalah… I don’t really don’t have a clear answer yet. All I can say is I am hoping I am learning more of the truth of reality. The concept of their being more to reality than what I have lived in for all these years… intrigues me. I am looking for truth. If there is a reality that I am entitled to see but need to show genuine effort to see, then I’m firmly here to learn.

      As a group, I believe that we are all connected in some way. And I hope that as a whole we can all some day generate more, a eality of love in our world than what I see happening everyday in the news… I wish people would come to understand and embrace our connection to the point where the priority in this world is to care for one another… not hurt, deprive, or to make war.

    • #302900
      Curtis Morgan

      unlimited fulfillment not altered by defective interpretation of reality

    • #302898
      Andrea Yoder

      I learned that when the disciple is ready, the master appears! I’ve been looking for the meaning of life, of my existence and to know how I can contribute to humanity. I already understand part of this and I seek to master the knowledge that we are acquiring in order to be able to donate more of myself to humanity. Learning this I think I already have this goal and understanding that we are selfish beings! Glad to know that in a way I already knew this and I try to share it with people, but as a colleague said last week about homeless people, if we should give shelter, I honestly don’t know what exactly should be donated from me to humanity, I try to do this every day but it seems the world needs more. I hope to discover this in a deeper way than the uncertainties I have now. I hope I can become a master of looking at reality differently from the banal way I see it today, because I feel this call to serve and help people but I’ve heard in therapies that this is my problem, because I want to be helped. Anyway… I’m looking for answers and I believe they will come sooner than later I hope!

    • #302884

      I want her to lead me to a reality that is above the five senses and to understand where the source is from and how to get to it and if it is intuition then it is absorbed by my intuition, to a connected, lofty, intelligent reality to a reality where love is the conduit through which I see things. To a reality that is clear and absolute truth . . .

    • #302852

      The perception of reality i want kabbalah to lead me is mainly in the spiritual realm of the hidden agendas…i have a strong level of intuitivity  and also i have the ability to see spirits ,,so therefore that makes me curious about what happens around me questionable

    • #302842
      Steven Sierra

      I want the study of Kabbalah to lead me to the true, most fully detailed perception of reality that I as a human am capable of.

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