Preparation Question: To what perception of reality do we want the study of Kabbalah to lead us?

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Viewing 6 posts - 931 through 936 (of 1,179 total)
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    • #188177
      Joshua Ajang

      Hi colleagues in kabbalah.

      Basically kabbalah is a school of great wisdom capture, according to my perception kabbalah want to change life of oneness, egoism to altruism world of together despite white people, black or colors.

      Kabbalah want to change negative atitude  to positive behavours and make sure that cultures and norms are the same in the earth up to heaven praise one God ,one system of ruling in the government and churches.

    • #188118

      Beyond our 5 senses.

    • #188050

      We want Kabbalah to help us understand  the world of spirituality that is outside of our 5 senses “the perception of reality of this World! by doing that we will be transformed inside of us, our intention and desires will change from the “will to receive” as we were created by the Creator, to the “will to bestow” so that we will be like the Creator.

    • #188027

      direct perception from the point in the heart to the creator

    • #188022

      To be in synch with my Creator.

    • #188007
      Talya Machuca

      How can we differentiate between our limited perception and the upper reality?

Viewing 6 posts - 931 through 936 (of 1,179 total)
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