Preparation Question: To what perception of reality do we want the study of Kabbalah to lead us?

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    • #220126
      O Light

      From the spark of perception I already sense, to what I perceive is The Eternal Soul of reality, expressed and mapped out in Kabbalah.

    • #220107

      We want to perceive reality for what it truly is. Without the limitations of our five senses.

    • #220009

      I am hoping that my perception and senses are opened up so that I can have communication with the creator and understand what symbols mean, that are sent to me in my dream state

    • #220005

      To that “sixth sense,” where I can begin to perceive the totality of this world together with the spiritual world.

    • #219839

      Full reality, where the will to receive is transformed into the will to bestow, because complete perception brings us so close to it, we are the same.

    • #219835

      So as to perceive the True Reality, unbounded by the bodily restrictions of the five senses and of time and space themselves. A True Reality which shows the root forces causing what happens in ‘our’ world. With this knowledge one can reunite with the Real Purpose of existence.

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