Preparation Question: Try to imagine the sensation behind the statement “There is None Else Besides Him.” How can I feel that the entire reality is the action of the Creator?

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  • #37682

    Preparation Question: Try to imagine the sensation behind the statement “There is None Else Besides Him.” How can I feel that the entire reality is the action of the Creator?

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    • #382111

      By accepting everything that happens around me , good or bad and flowing with it , knowing that I am connected to a bigger power as a part of this creation , that makes me feel closer and one with the source .

    • #381995
      Deborah Joplin

      All that came into being came into being at His will, as a result of  Him thinking and speaking. The Light entered the darkness and Creation began. From what I understand, the Creator restricted His infinite presence from a certain space and then He filled it with His Creation. He is omnipresent, both within us and surrounding us. He fills all things and surrounds all things. I focus on becoming more intensely aware of His presence working within and though me. My desire is to adhere to Him so fully so that I can lose my false sense of separation. I am His and He is mine — we should be so entangled that I have no desire to establish the self sought by the ego, but rather — in Him I live and move and have my being.

    • #378934

      1. creator created everything and governs everything. there is nothing that exists that’s not governed by him.

      2. the only way for me to be close to the creator is to be like him. everything I do, I should have that goal in my mind. only to be close to him, to be like him, I will have everlasting joy.  how to achieve that? I guess that’s why I am here! and with millions of questions!

    • #378811

      It’s like the Rav says, if this is our point of view, then internality and externality are exchanging places. But above this, we are being brought into a view of reality, and it is to make contact with reality that a Kabbalist aspires to. The reality of the Creator.

    • #378655


      By accepting wholeheartedly everything that happens in my life – both good and bad.

    • #377069

      The feeling to me is not constant but it seems to be a feeling like letting go and floating on whatever the waves in the ocean will take me because if there is other forces other than the Creator, then I will say they have the power to to things in the world, but if I say the Creator is doing these things He seems close and is playing with me but He is looking for my acknowledgment of Him also, and this brings Him contentment, I believe. The more I study kabbalah the more I feel this idea is changing into something else more focused though.

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