Preparation Question: What do you expect from the lesson? What do you desire to achieve from it?

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    • #314474

      I would like to know more and understand thé creator and to know how to correct everything in this life in order not to return here anymore

    • #314455

      I want to go deeper into the wisdom of the Kabbalah and also better understand the Holy Scriptures, what the Kabbalists meant by them.

    • #314419

      I want to try my best to know our reality, Is what we perceive real?Do the things I see really exist?what is the truth? Why people treasure true than false? What’s the meaning of life? What is death? When we meet unfortunate things how do we deal with them? Do we have free will? Does fate exist?What is the cause and effect?I want to know these questions. I major in Philosophy,but i can’t find a consistent understanding in philosophy. So I want to learn Kabbalah.

    • #314413

      There is much wisdom in Kabbalah. My hope is to establish a solid foundation in knowledge of the Kabbalah so that I may continue to explore my existence, my relationship to all others and our relationship to Elohim. This has been my wish and prayer for most of my life.

    • #314401

      Kabbalah has already helped me out in a social way. I’ve used the technology in other groups, but these goals seem noble, and I’d like to participate or help. I’ve listened to the videos on the main app, and I’m curious to learn more about that too.

    • #314364
      Larunce Pipkin

      I have no expectations, my desire is to become more than I currently am. I feel my desire will be fulfilled by placing myself in this arena, good teachers, the proper books, and like-minded seekers.

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