Preparation Question: What do you expect from the lesson? What do you desire to achieve from it?

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    • #314857

      My intention is to recieve the teaching, to absorb & understand as much of them as I can. I am open & excited to learn new ways to think, feel & act in the world towards others, and begin to learn about my relationship with Heshem.

    • #314845

      I want to be able to increase the communication with my Creator. From the lesson, I’m expecting to begin learning and receiving the tools on how to do so.

    • #314796
      security seal

      Implement teachings into my life and change my destiny…

    • #314780
      M Judge

      I want to achieve better connection to my creator

    • #314743
      Lisa Smith

      I want to understand the purpose of my life.

    • #314655
      Ari kirk

      My only expectation is that I expect myself to apply myself fully to the lessons to the best of my abilities. I hope to achieve a greater understanding of the “flow of life”, how to navigate it with purpose, thus finding my purpose, and to be a benefit to others.

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