Preparation Question: What do you expect from the lesson? What do you desire to achieve from it?

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    • #299837

      I expect to learn about reality beyond what I know from my five senses. I also hope to learn about the real purpose of my existence.

    • #299831
      Will Orellana

      How to achieve those things described in the clip

    • #299814

      <p style=”text-align: center;”>Truth, wisdom, insight; this is my expectation.</p>

    • #299812

      hope to answer questions that I’ve been searching for for many years in other religions I know kabala it’s not a religion but it has made a lot of sense to me and since I’ve been studying it I feel lighting showing the way

    • #299805

      What resonated with me from this clip is the idea of knowing what I am living for. In growing from child to adult to wife to mother, I have tended to do what others desire of me. Sure, I have made choices and developed preferences and desires throughout my life, but I have not considered if these things really contribute to what I am meant to be living for. I have always believed that my life has a meaning and a purpose. I hope to come closer to understanding what the true meaning and purpose of my life is.

    • #299793
      Precious Abiona

      I want to gain more wisdom about the reality of life and I want to expand my level of consciousness into a higher level

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