Preparation Question: What do you expect from the lesson? What do you desire to achieve from it?

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    • #290308

      I don’t know what to expect. I desire to achieve something more than I have right now in terms of general perspective.

    • #290299
      amber aumann

      I expect to learn how to see everything through the eyes of Kabbalah & learn how to begin living my life according to Kabbalah

    • #290298

      i expect to attain the ability to change my destiny, and i desire to enjoy life and not constantly be at the hands of blind fate

    • #290295

      I would like to know the true meaning and purpose of life. How to connect with the Creator and how to achieve my purpose in life

    • #290278

      I want to understand how this universe really works. I want to get in touch with the spiritual world, to know God’s purpose for my life and receive his many blessings.

    • #290276
      McCormick Metro

      I don’t really have any expectations. I don’t know what lies in front of me. I hope I can learn to love this void in my heart, instead of allowing it to pull me under.

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