Preparation Question: What do you expect from the lesson? What do you desire to achieve from it?

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  • Author
    • #286013

      To understand myself, the Creator and how to bless others.

    • #285834

      Kabbalah is fascinating. I would like to know more about it and follow the path.

    • #285725

      To understand myself and reality more and to be able to help others by doing so

    • #285564
      Patrick Bailey

      I don’t fully know what to expect, yet I’d hope to learn how to have more influence over myself and my life. I desire to learn fully from the lesson, and to be able to apply the lesson to my life with great skill and benefit.

    • #285348

      I expect that we learn more about the history of Kabbalah and important people that contributed to it throughout the years. I also hope we learn more about how to actually climb the ladder of the spiritual worlds.

    • #285330
      Alexander Saunders

      What do you expect from the lesson? What do you desire to achieve from it?

      I expect nothing but the same quality of teaching that I have received from KabU instructors to date.

      I desire to achieve greater autonomy and control over my future as it relates to others so that I might experience more success.

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