Preparation Question: What do you expect from the lesson? What do you desire to achieve from it?

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    • #285272
      Alfred Martinez

      I am hoping to gain insight into the mysteries of what I don’t know. I hope this lessons and all future lessons will shed the ignorance of the current views I have and to provide light down this path.

    • #285221

      Ive tried to understand kabbalah before, may this be the opportunity that i truly understand. I desire to achieve greater understand of my will to recieve and how i can work more to have retention on my recieving end which will in turn basically let me give to the best of my ability. And i expect to learn more of the possibilities of loving my neighbor as my self. Especially my highschool buddies which their were only 7 in my graduating class of 2014

    • #285102

      I hope to gain insight into the ultimate cause of reality and my role within it.

    • #284950
      Lisa Callahan

      I hope to gain an understanding of what kabbalah is.

    • #284837

      I expect the lesson to begin to provide  a step by step path to really experience connection to Source, and not just believe in the possibility. I would like to expand my perception to see the big picture of what is really the truth. How do we see through the illusion and be on a path that works?

    • #284822

      A better understanding of reality and the forces of nature.

      To integrate back into the big organ that is human society and back into the body of nature with the aim of healing for all.

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