Preparation Question: What does it mean to connect with others? In what desire are we connected?

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    • #327863

      What does it mean to shift from an egoistic perception of reality to a perception based on bestowal?

      It requires from me a higher level of consciousness and moral development. That I overcome my selfish desires and strengthen a sense of unity and connection with others and the world at large. The change in perception leads to greater fulfillment, satisfaction and a positive impact on society and the environment.

    • #327773
      Yeshua Catherineka

      What does it mean to connect with others? In what desire are we connected..

      To connect with others means to be in the womb of the creator, with the desire to rid my self of my ego and to acquire the quality of bestowal also with the desire to  connect and reveal the creator .

    • #327542
      Yeshua Catherineka

      Preparation Question: What does it mean to shift from an egoistic perception of reality to a perception based on bestowal?

      as human beings without vessels of bestowal a person can’t perceive bestowal. Whenever we strive to build this desire, our bodies fight us, because our default setting is to receive pleasure only for own benefit which is our ego.

      but when we Attain spirituality we develop a sense of the Upper World, the thought of Creation manifested as the light of the Creator. This goal depends on a properly formed group of people aimed towards unity, oneness and love.When we achieve spirituality, we awaken the light and our perception is shaped by our ability to “love thy friend as thyself.”

      and hence we manage to replace the egoistic sensory organs within us with altruistic ones, we are able to experience the upper world, that is, the reality perceived in the new sensory organs built on bestowal and connection.

    • #327530
      Melissa Lucero

      To love thy friend as we love ourselves. To not want to exploit each other for the sake of our our benefit.

    • #327424
      Ricardo Alves

      We are connected in the desire for spirituality. Connect with others it means to focus on “love your neighbur as thyself”. Help others to achive spirituality, like that we help ourselfs to.

    • #327423
      Ricardo Alves

      It means to connect with oders in order to evolve spiritualy togeder.

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