Preparation Question: What does it mean to connect with others? In what desire are we connected?

New Home Forums Course Forums Kabbalah Experience Week 2 Discuss Preparation Question: What does it mean to connect with others? In what desire are we connected?

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    • #324411

      To consider the desires and the way of being with respect of his outline and limits of my brothers and sisters recognizing my needs in theirs and my soul in them, recognizing them as a part of me, loving them because the Father love them and they are like me.

    • #324401

      Connection with the others in the group, an intention of giving to the others, having a good feeling and holding the others in higher regard than myself, having the intention for their spiritual elevation above my own.

    • #324398

      I’m not really sure about this, but it might mean a desire to share a look through each other’s eyes and enter and meet each other in each other’s worlds as much as possible.

    • #324184
      Julius Lindeberg

      The other person reflects me. Together we create something that is bigger than our egos and more in accordance of how the fundamental laws of nature works.

    • #320853

      Can some get meet in the meet. Juanuta

    • #320711

      It means to live by the commands do not do to others that which you hate, and love your neighbour as yourself

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