Preparation Question: What does it mean to connect with others? In what desire are we connected?

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    • #311820

      we definitely can’t do that without connecting with others…

    • #311801
      Seeker of Wisdom

      To become more like the Creator, through connecting and truly caring for others. To love my friend as myself. Developing the point in the heart.

    • #311760
      Leah Bergman

      Our focus shifts from ourselves to others and loving your neighbor as yourself.

    • #308709

      To recognize the likeness in another point in the heart. We are connected in the desire to be in equivalence with our Creator.

    • #308258
      Jack Brenon

      Everything happens inside the person, correct oneself is to start by accepting others as part of you and finishing the correction when one reach the level of loving others as much as they  love themselves, or as close to it as one can, limited  by the height of their spiritual degree.

      The problem is, thyself is the ego that will not let anyone in but thyself.  More complication occurs when the Creator gives one an ego that is equivalent to their spiritual degree, the higher the degree, the bigger the ego.

      Those who hope for a higher spiritual degree, I hope they also like to work hard as they have lots of corrections to overcome with the huge ego that were given (smile).  Do not worry, the work also feels the same for those who have to correct a little and were blessed with a smaller ego.  It all depends on phase 2 (Hochma) of the 4 phases of light and how big of a vessel (kli) phase 1 (Keter) has carved for you.  It is like filling 10 cups of different sizes halfway with water, it may looks like the bigger the cup the more the water one has;  But in truth, each cup is actually half full with water and half full with air and feels and works the same to each cup.

    • #308109

      To intellectualize less, and focus on inner heart connection.  Truly feel with others, and set the focus of what will I get out of it aside.  To allow.

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