Preparation Question: What does it mean to connect with others? In what desire are we connected?

New Home Forums Course Forums Kabbalah Experience Week 2 Discuss Preparation Question: What does it mean to connect with others? In what desire are we connected?

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    • #318875

      It means letting go of selfish desires and intentions and becoming a giver or creator

    • #318281
      William Taylor

      within my group it means to connect to one desire to be one in the creator. therefore we are all one so my needs are your needs. So always be good you may never know if you are entertaining an Angel.


    • #317859
      Lora Vatalaro

      It means to shift from seeing the world and the people in it as being outside of myself and not my concern, to seeing them as connected to me and as reflections of the Creator.  This would naturally shift me to want to be good to them as a way to give joy to the Creator.

    • #315350
      John Caton

      To become similar to the Creator, perceiving the desires of others more than my own desires, so that what I receive is with the intention of bestowing.

    • #315327

      To connect “as one man, in one heart”

      In our desire for Dvikut, we are one desire 💖

    • #315287
      Juan Londono

      the law of equivalence of form – when two things have a the same quality and intention they are connected and bonded together they become the same

      Here in the kabbalistic group we are connected together by our desire to reach equivalence of form with the creator, by our desire to see each other rise to that level of connection and relationship with the greater reality that bestows all life.

      Instead of looking at the world through the will to receive only for myself, I start to see the world around me as living inside my heart, and each and everyone of us being a part of something far larger than ourselves.  So through bestowal to others I am able to receive and give to/from the creator and help raise this world closer to equivalence of form

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