Preparation Question: What does it mean to connect with others? In what desire are we connected?

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    • #305109

      i think it means we can only perceive Creator in our connection with other points in the heart to receive the reforming light that transforms the will to  receive from receiving for receiving sake to the will to receive in order to bestow.  To think about our friends needs before our own that the friends perceive the Creator before me so that they may assist in my perception of the Creator hence the circle.  Peace unto you.

    • #305108
      Toni Peltonen

      Annul yourself. Try to feel others as yourself, a unit in the desire of revealing our true reality.

    • #304856
      Purity K

      It means  to care for others as we care for ourselves. We are connected in the desire to  receive in order to bestow.

    • #302754
      Tove Jo

      Che cambio percezione, attitudine di pensare a me stessa e i miei bisogni alla percezione degli altri e i loro bisogni prima di me stessa.

    • #302662

      <p style=”text-align: left;”>It means a shift of perception from seeing myself as a separate individual to seeing myself as a node in a system; a part of a collective.</p>
      If I am seeking similarity to the Creator and the others are as well then we are connected by that desire.

    • #302630

      To connect with others means that I have the same desire as others. What desire? The desire to reveal the Creator. To shift from an egoistic perception of the world to an altruistic perception means that I want the Creator to be revealed to the whole world.

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