Preparation Prompt: What does transitioning from a self-centered perception of reality to one grounded in altruism entail?

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  • #41564

    Preparation Prompt: What does transitioning from a self-centered perception of reality to one grounded in altruism entail?

Viewing 6 posts - 157 through 162 (of 408 total)
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    • #334372

      To understand connectivity and that we are all one spark of a collective soul.

    • #332930

      To begin to realize that we need the Creator’s help to be more like Him. To give love to Him and to others for His sake and not our own. To love Him and others as He loves us.

    • #332720

      The shift is when one understands that ones ego (spoken words, feelings, actions…) have an affect on everybody else since we are all connected. Therefore the ego will now shift to bestow positive and caring spoken words, feelings, actions….

    • #332643

      From an egoistic perception, I seem as if I am in a corporeal “reality”, made of and governed by laws of space, time, energy, matter & motion. It causes separation; causing me to feel like a totally separate individual, unique, without any real connection to anyone or anything.

      When the egoistic reasoning mind is in control it is always tuned into “radio station” WIFM-(“What’s In It For Me?”)- I’m always calculating how to receive more pleasure for myself, and I’m not worried about exploiting others, as I don’t feel any connection to them.

      As my perception of reality shifts from egoism to one rooted in bestowal, I begin to feel my connection with others. I begin feeling that I am an integral part of the general soul of Adam. That whatever I do, affects everyone (and everything) in the Universe. While still desiring to receive more and more pleasure (as that is my nature), I begin to change my intention from receiving (pleasure) for myself alone, to one of receiving (pleasure) for the sake of sharing; for the sake of the creator.

      This intention enables me to gradually reach an “equivalence of form” with the Creator–the very source of the force of Love and bestowal.  The principle of “Love your Friend as Yourself” becomes something real, something that enables me (through connection), to feel & reveal more and more Spiritual Light (Pleasure) and share it with everyone.

    • #332612
      zoran malinov

      It means,connecting with others.

    • #332590
      Dennis Ibrahim

      It is means to that I am part of the whole and not an individual, and to start feeling and caring for the concerns of others. That is the others become included in me (my feelings)

Viewing 6 posts - 157 through 162 (of 408 total)
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