Preparation Prompt: What does transitioning from a self-centered perception of reality to one grounded in altruism entail?

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  • #41564

    Preparation Prompt: What does transitioning from a self-centered perception of reality to one grounded in altruism entail?

Viewing 6 posts - 139 through 144 (of 371 total)
  • Author
    • #330208

      Harmony 。。

    • #330164
      patrick diederich

      It starts with a true act of free will : saying yes to the will of bestowal even though we still misperceive it almost completely due to our egotistical mode of reception. By embracing our conscious input with a non judgemental, curious and loving mind we learn to sense differently. It feels as though the world changed. In reality though it is our representation of the world that changed. By adapting ourselves  to the changes in a spontaneous manner we notice the difference between our new take on life and the robotic conditionning we upheld before our surrender to a more holistic & integral worldview. By sticking to faith above reason we overcome many blockades that kept throwing us back so many times before. Best of all, we find it easier to connect with our  fellows and so get a sense of the beauty of our interconnectedness. We come to appreciate our differences and feel happy when others experience beauty, wellbeing personal progress. We become more aware of our negative attitudes, feelings towards our kind. We thus can observe our habit of criticizing ourselves and others and formulate a conscious desire to stop doing that. And so we formulate a new prayer for help and start with the help from above a new cycle of healing and growth…


    • #330147

      To shift our perception we need to feel others needs as our own.

    • #330106

      The shift begins outside of myself and how it benefits me to how to benefit others as myself.

    • #330097
      Jarrett Twaddle

      To move from intending to fulfill one’s own self to an intention to fulfill the whole of humanity.

    • #329876

      This means to seek more adhesion with the Upper Force and more Equivalence of Form with it. Once achieved, this alignment with the Upper Force should go first and before our perception, so that our perception becomes being based on it. If organized in such a way, our perception then will lead us painlessly to our next higher state.

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