Preparation Prompt: What does transitioning from a self-centered perception of reality to one grounded in altruism entail?

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  • #41564

    Preparation Prompt: What does transitioning from a self-centered perception of reality to one grounded in altruism entail?

Viewing 6 posts - 31 through 36 (of 370 total)
  • Author
    • #383537

      To not pay too much attention on our own needs and think more about other people. To be also more humble.

    • #383514

      It entails effort, desire, and directed action towards that goal.

    • #383457
      Francois Bernard

      A journey where the ego is “tame”

    • #382926
      Hans van der Pol

      Being like one organism, building a desire to bestow above our egoistic nature, with mutual guarantee.

    • #382874
      Heather Autumn

      Alignment with the upper force

    • #381977

      the attention to the fact that we are amidst and influenced by a field of energy that is a far greater and  lovingly power than the conception we have of ourselves as egocentered human beings.

Viewing 6 posts - 31 through 36 (of 370 total)
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