Preparation Question: What does it mean to view reality from the perspective of the Creator?

New Home Forums Course Forums Kabbalah Revealed Interactive – Part 2 Week 4 Discuss Preparation Question: What does it mean to view reality from the perspective of the Creator?

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    • #335947

      God s thoughts and intention is to create and  feel reality with complete bestowal

    • #335908

      It’s not clear to me yet. I’m starting to understand more and more mentally. However, feeling is still a problem.

    • #335846

      This means seeing the whole reality. Where every action is from a giving force to the whole creation that is good.

    • #335824
      maria santos

      That the Creator only wants us to be happy, so everything we perceive as being negative is really not. Like Dr. Laitman says, parents want the best for their children and if they correct the child it is for the child’s benefit, the child can choose to see it that way knowing that their parents love them, or a child can choose to se it negatively. Ultimately, it is the intention behind the action that needs to be understood.

    • #335621

      To view reality from the perspective of the creator is to have an intention to bestow love to all.

    • #334453
      Steve Miley

      I would view myself, and only myself continuing a constant love and bestowal for infinity with the perspective of every dimension simultaneously within and without  time and space, and from every perspective.

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