Preparation Question: What does it mean to view reality from the perspective of the Creator?

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  • This topic has 329 replies, 312 voices, and was last updated 1 week ago by jul.
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  • Author
    • #331013

      The Creator never changes. Pure will to Bestow.

    • #331012

      To view reality from the perspective of the Creator means finding the Creator’s unconditional love in everything that happens

    • #330826
      Damjan Stanek

      It mean that we would need to achieve the spiritual ascent in order to view the reality from the perspective of the Creator.

    • #330788

      We should view reality as the Creator views it. Reality is The Creator’s love for us to reveal His love for us. So when we view all of reality as His goodness for us, we will come to want to be like Him. To be loving as He is loving. So we can be like our Abba/Imma. Scientifically speaking on a quantum level. If our observation of reality matches that of the Creator, we can change our reality and elevate it to its intended purpose. Ultimate intimacy with Him.

    • #329849

      Love so great I’m yet to comprehend.

    • #329523

      Preparation Question: What does it mean to view reality from the perspective of the Creator?

      Truth be told, I, being the creature-(the will to receive),  with my egoism, am the complete opposite of the Creator, which is pure Will To Bestow. And not having attained “equivalence of form” with the Creator, I can only TRY to “imagine”, (to fantasize) what it means to view reality from the perspective of the Creator.

      I am only able to use what information my 5 corporeal senses (which have no ability to sense the Upper Spiritual Reality) have “gathered”, to create images which have no referent in the Upper Reality.

      The better I am able to change my Intention from “to receive pleasure for myself”, into an Intention “to receive for the sake of the Creator”, to work towards “connection”, the more “Reforming Light” I will attract. Then I can build a Second Nature– a Kli with a “Screen”– an Altruistic nature above my egoistic nature. This should put me into greater Similarity of Form with the Creator.  Then (I think) I’ll begin to”see” with a “Cognitive Perception”-(a Wordless Awareness), beyond words, ideas, theories, illusions etc into the Upper Reality. Gaining an ability to see from a perspective of Bestowal and from  a Reality of: Consciousness, Force and Form, rather from the egoistic illusory/delusional perspective from which I now see. Then (hopefully!) I’ll have an better idea of “What does it mean to view reality from the perspective of the Creator”!


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