Preparation Question: What is freedom and how, by the help of the Reforming Light, can we acquire it?

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  • #37688

    Preparation Question: What is freedom and how, by the help of the Reforming Light, can we acquire it?

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  • Author
    • #404523
      Jurandy Silva

      It´s not clear for me the meaning of “reforming light”

    • #398962

      Freedom in Kabbalah means liberation from the limitations of the ego and acting according to the Creator’s will. With the help of the Reforming Light, through the intention to change and receive it for the purpose of bestowing, we can break free from selfish influences and attain true freedom.

    • #398643
      Philip Iyov Ecks

      For me, freedom will be my cleaving to the creator. Once I can let go of this attachment to the material and embrace the will of G-d; becoming one with him, rising above my egoism and achieving a state of equivalence of form with the G-d, then my time in this material reality will conclude, I will no longer need to return here and this for me is true freedom.


    • #397102

      I feel like freedom is letting go of any notion that I am in control of anything. It’s all the creator’s doing. That’s the freedom I believe. My practice is to remember that in any situation, in good moments and bad moments, it’s the Creator that is making everything happen, not me.

    • #397081
      Natalie Dee

      If I am understanding correctly our freedom lies within our choice to surround ourselves with people who are also wanting to grow and expand the points in their hearts. Building on that also transforming our will to receive for only ourselves to the will to receive for the whole. I hope that I’m headed in the right direction?

    • #396734
      Amy W

      I can only imagine freedom to be an inner experience of feeling one with What Is. I am still constrained by my genetics, my ancestry, my upbringing and so on; I do not truly have freedom of choice with respect to my environment. I chose my partner long ago, my children were chosen for me. Yes, I can choose to watch these videos and read the lessons, but I do not even know if that is a choice. I am still moving toward pleasure (learning) and away from pain (living in darkness).

      By choosing to mentally align myself with the One, I feel pain less intensely (and feel pleasure less intensely as well), and experience a sense of calmness. (Some might say this is spiritual bypass…?)

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