Reflect: Share something from the lesson that blew your mind, or even just gave you a new perspective.

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  • #28787

    Reflect: Share something from the lesson that blew your mind, or even just gave you a new perspective.

Viewing 6 posts - 55 through 60 (of 175 total)
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    • #328416

      First of all, I would like to thank you for the opportunity to watch this lesson. Studying in English is not easy for me because it is not my language. However, I am trying to understand as much as possible from the information presented. Sometimes I also use a translator and I think I’m doing well with my studies so far. The most powerful moment of this particular lesson for me was the realization that even though Kabbalah is about the spiritual development of an individual, in its deepest essence the activity of such a person advances the development of the whole society. For we are all one.

    • #327495

      Kabbalah is so unique within my life that I see a Infrastructure that is so collapsing in my country. This is why my deepest most sincere plea to the Department of Ed. is our future realizes much more with Hebrew in”Our Youth”. From “Zohar” within babe’s already to “Tanya” in through High School. This Creation is absolutely limitless and so tender. The Light of what we are is the speed unto which we know the Creator within the Creature. We need a turn around!

      • #327496

        Kabbalah is the Names of God within Evolution and so much more in Light of You!

    • #327494

      For me Kabbalah or any Variations of the term is as described as Science of Education which is the everything that is within and without as “Our Creator” gives us. Now if we as Americans can come to realize this we should teach “Our Children” and ourselves Hebrew. For the purposes on enlivenment and modern day occurrence’s. As I see the book of “Tanya” the best place to be for a start in the Department of Education.

    • #327413

      I like that Kabbalah isn’t a religion.  How you can be Buddhist and feel at home in Kabbalah and it seems to actually fit so well.  I’m Jewish by birth but always felt there was more.  I’m more excited than ever to study more.

    • #327303

      That the Creator is in everything and anything and to the extend we see that, we grow. To the extent we don’t, we suffer.

    • #325201

      The motto of your videos on youtube says it all: Now it all makes sense. 🙂

Viewing 6 posts - 55 through 60 (of 175 total)
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