Reflect: Share something from the lesson that blew your mind, or even just gave you a new perspective.

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  • #28787

    Reflect: Share something from the lesson that blew your mind, or even just gave you a new perspective.

Viewing 6 posts - 67 through 72 (of 175 total)
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    • #320390

      The fact that this whole separation to then get to ascend back to the Creator is all so we can eventually experience greater pleasures than first felt when we were still fully united with the Creator.

      I suppose that this is somewhat similar to how we can only appreciate the lack of pain when we’ve already felt and known pain…

    • #319262

      I was originally under the impression that kaballah was Jewish mysticism. Finding out it isn’t and regarded the books being coded was very interesting.

    • #319012

      As soon as I heard the word ‘Adam Kadmon’ it was like a little bell rang in my mind…

    • #318638

      Sadly to many religions use fear to encourage their followers to follow their beliefs. What has blown my mind  is the idea that the creator gives us a vital roll in fulfilling the plan and provides the means to overcome the ego. the ego tries to convince me that I am responsible for my success of failure. when the truth is that the creator will bring me to completion  and all I need is the desire to follow.  As my desire to bestow grows so does  recognition of the gifts I have. Letting go of the past can be  hard, but the love of the creator helps me overcome and live. The joy I feel is changing me.


    • #318546
      Lennart Tjarks

      What blew my mind is that my point is actual/tangible proof for my connection with the Creator.

    • #318397

      What continues to blow my mind is the attitude of bestowal, equivalence of form, the law of altruism, the contrast that’s designed for us to experience to understand first what does not work, egotism, to what does work, altruism. This information is resonating soundly with my entire life. I’m infinitely grateful 🙏🏾

Viewing 6 posts - 67 through 72 (of 175 total)
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