Reflect: Share something from the lesson that blew your mind, or even just gave you a new perspective.

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  • #28787

    Reflect: Share something from the lesson that blew your mind, or even just gave you a new perspective.

Viewing 6 posts - 73 through 78 (of 171 total)
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    • #316434

      It is the Nature of Light to Radiate and Illume inwards, into the depths of my Being, and to naturally, with no effort on my part, Radiate out into this world and through all the levels of Reality, back to the Creator.  It is Pure Bliss.  This is True Altruism.  It is not even receiving to give.  It is Receiving and Giving simultaneously, continuously, and Eternally.

      It is just what is Natural, and effortless, like breathing.  It is just a matter of a simple choice, to shift the Awareness from the show of the senses to the ever-present Reality of the IS, the Light, the Voice, the Song of Life.  Fix the Attention on feeling and surrendering to this Unending experience of completion, satisfaction, and Joy.  Then, effortlessly, my thoughts, feelings, and actions naturally flow from this Awareness of this flow of Unending Light.

      This Path of Kabbalah is a sure thing, just follow it relentlessly, and never be stopped by doubts or seeming failures.  It will happen, just as the True Kabbalists say.

      • #316461

        Beautifully expressed dear Kabbalist.

    • #316143

      The idea of thinking of spiritual matters and foregoing physical matters when reading The Zohar. it is hard to lose the physical mindset.

    • #316020
      Ann Stephens

      I am grateful to hear about the language of roots. This concept gave me a different perspective on why the world is the way that it is, for better and worse.

    • #315810
      Julie in Cornwall

      The five basic principles really were simplified

    • #315075

      Something I enjoyed is the change in the photography, giving clues as to what is happening at different levels.

      I brings a sort of alertness towards the most significant parts of what Tony is saying.

    • #314935

      Greetings to all!

      I can say that I see what my journey has been about.  It has brought me to a culmination of exposures to the “root” of knowledge and wisdom that I sought.  Like others I studied philosophy, comparative religions and such in a search for truth.  This pure teaching has light and just in one week, has brought some clarity to my life.

      I am thankful!

Viewing 6 posts - 73 through 78 (of 171 total)
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