Reflect: Share something from the lesson that blew your mind, or even just gave you a new perspective.

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  • #28787

    Reflect: Share something from the lesson that blew your mind, or even just gave you a new perspective.

Viewing 6 posts - 157 through 162 (of 175 total)
  • Author
    • #56558

      I am enjoying this course so very much. It is giving me a lot to think about and a desire to learn more.

    • #56227
      Judi Bechard

      A better understanding of the journey outward, from God (the descent) and the return.  The way it is described is very helpful. Thank you.

    • #56196
      Clancy Birrell

      1) how receiving a gift can be an act of bestowal.

      2) to grow spiritually we need to redefine ourselves to embody the attributes of the Creator.

    • #55026
      Ed Mereoară

      <p style=”text-align: left;”>Everything is new for me I can’t keep up with the info. Ofcourse it giveme new perspective.</p>

    • #54968

      Here’s what has been blowing my mind, from both Lesson 1 & the extra materials videos that accompanied it: It is recognizing how all these Kabbalistic words & symbols have been already emerging in my life over the past 10 years before I finally signed up to this website yesterday, on my birthday (exactly 40 years since I made the conscious decision to cut ties from my faith of origin, which I also only realized last night, like my 40 years in some kind of spiritual sleepwalk in the desert). A couple of specific examples:

      1. Ein Sof (infinity) – I bought a necklace with the infinity symbol a few years ago because it felt like the only expression of spirituality I could relate to

      2. Repeated references to “ The Light”: I joined a yoga group ( a kind of kundalini) because I feel universalistic in my soul and I was searching for spirituality, and they make constant reference to their version of the divine being “The Light”

      3. The hidden interconnectedness: I had come across this concept in many readings from other domains, but it eventually influenced my research interests in sustainability

      4. The notion of our earthly focus to desire to enjoy life:  A roofer who did our home roof over a decade ago brought tears to my eyes (I’m sure he thought I was nuts), when he came to sign the contract, because his mannerisms reminded me so much of my late father who I really missed. So I asked this man if he was Jewish, and he said yes, how did I know? It was just something subtle but I felt it. And then he said “Our purpose here is to enjoy our lives”. Like, philosophy from a roofer, out of the blue. It was so weird. And only thinking about it now am I realizing that my late paternal grandfather, who I never met, was also a roofer back in Eastern Europe.

      A friend once told me coincidence is the Creator’s way of remaining anonymous. But what this first lesson & videos are telling me, is that these fragmented pieces are the Creator’s way of letting me know I was never alone. He/(It) was probably just shaking a hand like my Dad used to do and saying, “Nu? Ready to learn yet?”. Sorry for the long post… just feeling like there’s already so much value to unpack….

      • #60274
        ben cooling

        hey sharon appriciated your share. reading where you have come from looking forward to see where you go and the wisdom that unfolds from it. hook a brother up with some of that sweet wisdom. arr so much will to recive in me. such a counter thing to say if it is my nature. i like the sotry of the roofer

    • #54480

      it was a mind blowing lecture on reality, my perceptions inside of me  becomes the reality outside of me. All that i see around me is a result of what is inside of me. this is mind blowing and still is. i have been thing about this all evening yesterday. thought i was going mad! trying to make sense out of it.

Viewing 6 posts - 157 through 162 (of 175 total)
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