Reflect: Share something from the lesson that inspired you, or even just gave you a fresh perspective.

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  • This topic has 51 replies, 44 voices, and was last updated 4 days ago by Verena.
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    • #58095
      Joanne Kabu-W10

      Reading the Nature of Matter I felt a different layer of understanding about our process to become the scattered souls that we are. Beginning to understand Kabbalah’s repetition as a gift. I especially like the area of separating the sensing unit. Clarifying (a little bit more) why separating the receiver of the pleasure from one who feels it can create the sensation of eternal living. Awesome read.

      • #222811
        Sol Belo

        This post itself is enlightening for me.  I look forward to the reply whenever it comes.

        I like this also #184923.  I hope we all learn from the reply and advance together

    • #58034


      From video 1.4 Template of spirituality:

      ‘’We find that the upper part of the Partzuf, the GE, the Galgalta ve Eynaim, actually connects or is connected to the AHP of the upper Partzuf. Its spiritual aspiration to want to elevate, to want to rise in spirituality is always connected to the upper Partzuf, the one that is more spiritual.’’

      It reminds me of the cake-walk attraction in the fairground, years ago. Starting at ground-level you had to find your way to the top via simultaneously ascending and descending stairs. The trick was to wait till the stairs were at even level and then jump with one foot to the step which was to ascend at the next moment. Wait again till they met at the same level and than the other foot should be placed. Balancing between left and right leg. And so on. It required insight, patience and persistence, among other qualities,  to make it to the top.


      • #222812
        Sol Belo

        Thanks for  explaining GE, Partzuf and AHP  with the analogy : it makes it easier to understand and remember.

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