Reflect: Share something from the lesson that inspired you, or even just gave you a fresh perspective.

New Home Forums Course Forums Kabbalah in Action Week 1 Discuss Reflect: Share something from the lesson that inspired you, or even just gave you a fresh perspective.

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    • #313950

      It was really from our group Q&A Saturday, what helped me have a big shift…

      Talking about how we grow from friction…  Sunday, I had someone be quite rude to me, and I was really determined to send her love and maintain a positive feeling towards her no matter what.

      My children were looking to me with “what do we do Mom ??” expressions, and I just said to them “come on, let’s all send her love”.  It went on for a bit, and there were a few things she did, but then there was really a big shift in the woman’s attitude, and we were all able to enjoy the experience we were there to have, and I really had this wave of feeling like I could almost feel the Creator enjoying my pleasure.  It’s tough to describe, but very amazing.

      A couple of my friends are super shocked, and interested in Kabbalah now.  🙂

    • #311590

      The two last paragraphs of pge 78 in The Intro readings summarize  what “I’m” experiencing. And alongside those feelings/ sensations is the dispair  of “not awakened”  and “I” never will. Just want to share in case anyone else has experienced similarly ❤️ the desire for Spirituality is awake within me, yet in 1995 “the calling” was heard and the “seeking” part of me became conscious of itself.

    • #311544

      This feeling of opposite-ness to the Creator and the sensation of my growing ego alongside this desire for Spirituality. How will it ever be possible to attain equivalence of Form?  grateful for Faith that it all comes from the Creator ❤️ I Resonate strongly with Abraham!

    • #311339

      How many “impressions” I feel as we study this material. I feel alive and sometimes I feel fear. I am grateful ❤️

    • #311002
      Leah Bergman

      This lesson helped me understand myself better

    • #307509

      Hello Gianni.

      It is partzuf a process? Like when a cup is full it flows into the one under it.

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