Reflect: Write a revelation from the lesson that sparked your curiosity or revealed to you a fresh viewpoint.

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  • #41568

    Reflect: Write a revelation from the lesson that sparked your curiosity or revealed to you a fresh viewpoint.

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    • #430189

      Seeing how handicapped I am to see my own ego is surely enlightening. The brain always answers “No” to my question “For my desire?”. Not expecting the solution to come from this world, although I keep on trying and praying for the ability to rise above my ego. Thanks for this wonderful module, Julian.

    • #425706

      I have followed the paths that promote the removal of ego and letting go. To hear that Kabbalah will take us in a different direction is exciting.   To join in this journey with others is an uneasy feeling and in the lesson we are told to put aside the initial feelings that come when joining together with others. This time it will be different!

    • #414931
      Katrina Leeks

      The lesson is very clear and helpful. Yet, through the lessons it became clear how much we don’t know about ourselves and our world. And I’m talking about people; scientists and researchers that are much smarter than me.  It makes me want to keep growing.

    • #396725

      If I use my ego correctly it becomes my teacher. Wow! I have never seen it that way before, but it is true. Thank you!

    • #395641

      I have been working on my will to receive and have started to be able to receive in order to bestow, my wife has helped me to be able to put others before, I find when I do this I feel happy and contented, something i dont feel when i do something just for myself.

    • #390242
      Renata Klem

      The ego separates us from the Creator. By using the desire to receive with the intention to give, we draw closer to the Creator’s quality of giving, and this opens the doors to the perception of the upper world.

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