Reflect: Reflect: Share an epiphany from the session that broadened your understanding or shifted your perspective.

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  • #41575

    Reflect: Reflect: Share an epiphany from the session that broadened your understanding or shifted your perspective.

Viewing 6 posts - 31 through 36 (of 41 total)
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    • #312453

      I never participated much before, I am just that king of person. But now I understand the importance of participating. I also understand better so many things I believed in, in the past, without fully understanding them:

      God sends us the light

      Love your God with all your heart and all your understanding

      Love your neighbour as yourself.

      God is Love

      If your friend asks you to walk a mile with him, walk two.

      Two are better than one

      All these *truths* make sense in the controlled environment of a group.

    • #306113

      A new perspective for me came from the importance of connecting with the group in order to connect to the Creator.

      I shared this thought last week for reflection;  and this week I got to experience it.  I decided to ‘connect’ with the live YouTube “The Great Transition” and felt the power that came from connecting with others in the chat.

      Thank you KabU, and Julian Edwards for teaching me what True Connection is.

      • #312456

        I mean that kind, not that king, of course

    • #300955
      Purity K

      Just knowing that  there is the Creator behind everything that happens to us.  This will help me in the journey.

    • #295648

      The most important thing to me is to let the Creator rule my life, to pray to get the right desires to bless others. Also is important to know that it is the right desires, not obliterating, nor letting the ego run wild what helps me deal with the ego. All I need is to have the right desire to bless others. I can only exercise these right desires by being in the right place, surrounded by likeminded people, have the right teacher and the right literature.

    • #294588
      Bonnie A. Bus

      Just being human with the will to receive. I wonder how instructors are able to give. Don’t you need a break as well?

      How do Kaballah students get their balance?

      • #294596

        It’s like a mother. She doesn’t need a break from her newborn. Instructors are excited for one more opportunity to bestow. It all depends on the importance of the goal. What we call tired only means the goal lost importance or something else became more important (same thing really). As a newbie one should not bite more than can chew, but commit to a schedule you can keep – reasonably – but keep what you promise yourself.

    • #291958

      Rav Laitman said, “One should do one’s utmost in order to satisfy and develop desire for Upper Force correctly, otherwise it might be taken away, perhaps for several lifetimes.”

      It’s something to think about.

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