Reflect: Share something from the lesson that blew your mind, or even just gave you a new perspective.

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    • #221327
      Etienne Fourie

      To me it is mind blowing to realise that the Wisdom of Kabbalah can actually change our world for the better, that humanity actually has an answer. But now for the application.

    • #221279

      I dreamed about it a few weeks ago

      …who does not study Kabbalah makes the externality of the world overcome the internality. This means the worst, the most harmful and destructive among the nations of the world, rise over the internality of the nations of the world, the righteous nations, and bring worldwide wars and destruction.

    • #221277

      Years ago I read Leo Tolstoy’s book, “The Kingdom of God is Within” where he describes newly enlisted young men from a small village being sent to another village where peasants were protesting against a wealthy landowners prohibition of their cutting timber on his land which they were using to heat their homes.  All the people involved, the soldiers, the police, the magistrate, etc. were all playing societal roles and experienced no guilt about the torture, cruelty and injustice they were inflicting on this poor village because the social environment justified it.  If they weren’t assuming these roles, there’s no way they could have justified or done what they willingly and self-righteously did clothed in society’s uniforms.  This proves the importance of the environment in human behavior.

      Tolstoy’s conclusion was that NOTHING will change until people regard each other as brothers, which is just what the wisdom of Kabbalah shows.  But HOW?

      I am so grateful to have found Kabbalah which provides a method.

    • #190971

      What gave me a new understanding of the process, so as I continue learning using all three actions, Rav, Books and the Group,the Upper Thought builds new internal Forms, which become more similar to the Upper Thought, until it becomes the “self”, and then we rise. This blew my mind and at the same time gave me a new perspective on learning, myself, my perspective and thoughts of bringing the world kli to Correction.

    • #190574

      But I DON’T draw “a complete blank” when you ask me (a real educator) what is “missing in education” (and I think it’s rather presumptuous of you to think the most people would draw “a complete blank.” ). I can tell you exactly what’t missing in education:

      1. Meditation and contemplative practice (connection to Spirit).
      2. An authentic education in the arts and music (connection to Soul).
      3. A holistic and integrated education in sapient physicality, which is the opposite of “sports.” In short: Yoga, Tai Chi, Qi Gong, Eurythmy, PanEuRhythmy, et al. (connection to the Body)

      In all of these ways, modern education has gone astray and has lost the vital, integral connection to reality.

    • #126690

      Just so grateful. I really need to just give myself time to absorb, not to think!

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