Reflect: Share something from the lesson that blew your mind, or even just gave you a new perspective.

New Home Forums Course Forums Kabbalah in Action Week 5 Discuss Reflect: Share something from the lesson that blew your mind, or even just gave you a new perspective.

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    • #314470

      I have been really struggling with physical circumstances and situations, and I know I have heard it multiple times, yet it really hit me on the last related video…

      I need to be asking what the Creator / Nature wants from me so that things can shift, and I can get on track.

    • #314228
      John Caton

      I need to refine my desires and my intentions behind them so that my love for others is for their benefit and not mine.

    • #313751
      Dr Jim

      Hi Julian,

      Following the Q&A, I reviewed your comments about annulment, and read the relevant section in the course material. Very pertinent.  In discussions, groups, etc I do falsely convince myself of my humility but mostly inside I’m itching to show what a thoroughly decent, charming, erudite smart-ass I am.  It’s often just a lack of self-esteem and confidence wrapped in a shell of superficial knowledge, presented with false humility. To bestow without thought for myself but for the highest good of others is a road not much travelled for me. Desire for recognition has always been the real driver.  So, I am going to the European Convention in May with both excitement and apprehension.  Kabbalah has taken me on a very different, very pragmatic path from my previous stabs at Metaphysics, Philosophy, Mysticism, and non-Abrahamic paths and traditions.  This fish has been well and truly ‘hooked’.

      Thank you for your excellent presentations and delivery style. Much enjoyed

      Kind Regards


    • #313568

      The depth of connection! I cannot say thank you enough for the Love of Friends ❤️  the excerpts and teachings from Rav Laitman”s Blog expressing in words  the questions which arise through experiencing connection. Making the smallest effort to connect through The Point in The Heart brings knowing through experience. Strength through corrected connection!!! Gratitude 🌹

    • #313562

      From the reading this week in – The Kabbalah Experience

      ” Believe me, after only a few days, you will feel stronger and more confident than ever before. It is as though you connect to a new source of power that immediately begins to charge you.”

      These courses are mind-blowing on so many different levels, truly a gift.

    • #301908
      Tove Jo

      As I understand that the Kabbalah has already influenced the Greek philosofers and many other nations with the wisdom in one way or the other is already something that humanity has experienced..being connected to nature and congregations.     I think this wisdom can wake up humanity as we understand that we have to leave wars behind us.    So many once said “Peace no war”   we have to learn what it means…and Kabu is one place!  …and we might be the ones that can forward this teaching around us being wise and connected to others.

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