Reflect: Share something from the lesson that blew your mind, or even just gave you a new perspective.

New Home Forums Course Forums Kabbalah Experience Week 1 Discuss Reflect: Share something from the lesson that blew your mind, or even just gave you a new perspective.

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    • #394379

      I am starting to get more internally involved with the aspects of connection versus disconnection and the effects that has..,., rather than just building new knowledge… itś a different process now. Therefore, for me it is a new, even if challenging, step. I think Íd really like to start with practical work at some point now… I feel that necessarily needs to be the next step for me in my understanding… and probably only then will I know where exactly I am heading…

    • #393042

      What blew my mind was the idea of how we are moving from a world of linear relationships defined by individuals to a world of circular relationships defined by groups!

    • #362612

      Video 3 says something regarding decentralized relationships, that we are not prepared for non-linear relationships. That may explain some of my current relationship problems. But Julian also said that “the 10” will help us become more “integral.” Am I ever looking forward to that! I need all the help that I can get.

    • #362200

      The concept of the ten….
      I thought spirituality is individual only.

    • #357221
      Steve Miley

      Those blog post by Rob Lightman with the circles and lines are kind of blowing my mind. I hope we get into that. I have absolutely no idea about the lines in the tubes and lights going up to infinity. Yep there is a learning curve right there.

    • #356758
      maria santos

      In video 1.4 when you state “…perhaps all the problems that we have and this technology that is pushing us to feel that we don’t have a purpose in life, maybe the problems are not there to really be fixed. In other words, we have
      these problems that we think that we should fix with a political solution or an economic solution or a military solution, but maybe these problems are not there to be fixed, but rather to push us to find a solution on a higher degree” that to me was profound, and touched me inside because it makes so much sense. All these years we have tried to fix or control something that wasn’t calling for anything but for us to correct ourselves and find the Creator.

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