Reflect: Disclose an insight from the session that resonated deeply with you or reshaped your thinking.

New Home Forums Course Forums Kabbalah Experience Week 4 Discuss Reflect: Disclose an insight from the session that resonated deeply with you or reshaped your thinking.

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    • #298585

      My desire to connect to others which is the way to connect to the Creator

    • #286195
      Innocent Mushiya

      <p style=”text-align: left;”>Watching this weeks lessons,i somehow felt the connection like i have attended the kabbalah congress before,this blew mind…</p>

    • #283478

      The energy coming from the congress gatherings has really inspired me and makes me eager to experience it!

    • #223108

      I often question what makes Kabbalah unique.  There are many spiritual traditions where people do reach spiritual worlds.  I’m thinking of Tibetan llamas who study together, Native American shamans and vision quests, Rudolph Steiner, Sufis and Ba’hai.  And though it kind of bothers me that In Rav Laitman’s writings there are passages that claim Kabbalah is superior to or even the only way to the spiritual world, I’m very grateful and eager to experience the group and the method to see for myself.  And perhaps what makes Kabbalah unique is that there are no preconditions for the method and it’s open to anyone who has this desire.  So thank you for sharing this wisdom!

    • #183368

      I really enjoyed this course. Thank you so much Julian for your care and effort.

    • #126110
      Danielle Vergonet

      I loved the workshop of Julian and also the part of the congress. Wow! I felt so much desire to be there and I already cried of happinez to see those clips! I can’t wait to the retreat and I can’t wait to go one day to a congress.

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