Reflect: Share something from the lesson that blew your mind, or even just gave you a new perspective.

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  • #28803

    Reflect: Share something from the lesson that blew your mind, or even just gave you a new perspective.

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    • #363202

      What blew my mind or gave me a new perspective is learning how “removed” I currently am from the Creator. From one of the reading assignments, I learned that I must develop the strongest desire for the Creator permanently so that no other desire exists – regardless of any circumstance.

    • #338997

      Yesterday I watched the short video of Rav Laitman explaining how you will ‘know’ by your feeling when you have attained a higher level. Yes, that made sense to me. Tonight I received the set of books called Secrets of the Bible Package ( and purchased at a discount I could afford. There are 4 books packed in 2 packages. I was excited to open them and the first one I chose contained only 1 book, The Zohar.

      I am writing now to share with you that after studying for a while with some new age geared teachers and then being led to join this lesson group here, I am a beginner on the path but very attuned to spirit. When the package was opened and the book revealed, I was overwhelmed before ever touching it. The feeling was as Rav Laitman described, “You will know the feeling when you get there.”  All I could say was, “Wow. Oh Wow. Oh Wow” in response to that feeling, with those famous chills running through me, as I carefully opened the second package with the 3 other books and brought out each one and peeked inside them all. In those private moments I knew I  had attained that first level where I knew that I had learned and was able to learn. I knew how it felt.

      I wanted to share this because I wanted to have someone to share this with, and I wanted to recommend to other beginners here to consider owning the books.

    • #338349

      to connect with the texts and authors , the key of preparation .and the concept of Adam Harishon and to attain the connection of the system of souls.

    • #337221

      In this session I learn that the only action that is worth taking is with our intentions.  This World (Branches/Effect) is a mere reflection of the Upper World (Roots/Causes). Furthermore, It blows my mind that we are being eluded by our senses to believe that actions we take in this level of existence (Branches/Effect) can really change reality in meaningful way…Interesting, indeed!

    • #336012

      The discomfort that we feel is the contrast between the creators will to bestow and the will to receive within us.

    • #335820

      The suffering comes from the difference in our perception between our will to receive and Creator’s will too bestow

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