Reflect: Share something from the lesson that blew your mind, or even just gave you a new perspective.

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  • #37699

    Reflect: Share something from the lesson that blew your mind, or even just gave you a new perspective.

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    • #426547

      Slowly, the person’s sensation changes, and
      the desire to receive personal satisfaction
      I can feel this change inside me. It’s a beautiful feeling full of peace and trust.

      • #426585

        It is invaluable! How nice it is to read your words, My Friend! May our spiritual growth be constant, and let our egoistic vessels die!

    • #420064

      That in a way prayer, can be a constant and consistent thought of how can I do and be there for others. My heart and mind and eyes looking for ways to bring light into another person’s world. The result of this being that I become the best version of myself.

    • #418839

      It is fascinating to compare my experience this time to when I studied here 10 years ago. At that time I recall everything I learned seemed to have wrenching quality of being paradoxical and in jarring opposition to life as I knew it.

      At the time I didn’t have a job and my family was really struggling to make ends meet. I think that maybe I used Kabbalah as a way to escape from the world, and that version of an internality emphasized the chasm between me and everyone and everything in my life. I ended up having to quit when my life hit the Emergency Eject button on me.

      I had learned enough at that point to feel like I had a strong idea how the world worked, and it definitely did help me for all those years I was gone. I was able to approach everything from the standpoint that this is probably good if I just wait to see how it plays out. And it was. But I couldn’t get any closer. I didn’t get to participate in the meaning that Kabbalah imbued the world with.

      Now that I am back here everything is different. I feel like this space was carefully prepared for me. It’s easy to be here and everything around me seems to support my studies. Everything that used to seem to contradict Kabbalah now fits perfectly in its place, as Kabbalah describes it.

      Those last videos where the Rav describes the appropriateness of taking care of your life and getting to a sustainable and peaceful point in it before you begin to study… that makes so much sense now.

      And this time I definitely get to participate. There is a humor to the process, and there are hints everywhere that everything I’ve ever dreamed of is not only possible, but probable, and inevitable.

    • #417964
      Akosua Marie

      The Kabbalist’s definition of prayer is more based on the feelings in our hearts to change our inner state rather than on asking the Creator to do things for our own personal gains

    • #386115

      In the last video, Dr Laitman gave a definition of a true Kabbalist, and it was a beautiful summary of  the qualities we should aim at. I am humbled by the amount of wisdom that I’ve yet to reveal but so happy to have found this path to follow. The course material is so clear on the different matters that it really feeds the soul (or the point in the heart, to be more precise).

    • #385717
      David the Bruce

      I would just like to say, my mind gets blown everytime I read through these forums.   Everyone’s comments and the answers to the comments…I feel like I learn as much here as  I do in the coarse material…or close anyway.   Just want everyone to know how much I appreciate all the participation!!!

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