Reflect: Share something from the lesson that blew your mind, or even just gave you a new perspective.

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  • #37711

    Reflect: Share something from the lesson that blew your mind, or even just gave you a new perspective.

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    • #190568

      When this one girl in the Video started to smile, it caused me to smile back. This reminded me that we have an influence on the emotional reactions from our friends. We have a choice of either reacting to our inner state or to act against it and initiate a positive response.

    • #128162

      i grew to understand that all of the actions at the world stage are ment one way or the other to help us grasp our correct inner sense of reality. As a fruit must ripe in order to be enjoy properly, so must all human endeveours to be used properly to achieve human wholeness with the creator.

    • #57330

      A minor reflection:

      I never thought of Facebook as a possible means to world correction. More as a collective, unconscious platform for egoistical pursuits.

      But so many millions  of people using it, forming a social network spanning the whole globe, makes  it an interesting challenge how to change their  selfish attitude to an altruistic one.

    • #57325

      ” Do not observe the externality of the face , but the internality of the heart.” Quote from Baal Ha Sulam, in this weeks clip with Rav Leitman.

      Also from Baal HaSulam (from the Shamati, (recommended reading, last sentence:

      In other words, the internal will correct the external.

      If i compare this with the well-known statement “” mind over matter “, should not mind be replaced by heart,

      e.g is not conscience our  inner judge which leads more to corrections?

    • #57220

      My deepest prayer and desire is to have, to be given this perception as is talked about in the Video: Correcting the world. I ask that I can see others as myself in my day to day life, and that my actions towards others reflect this perception.

    • #57215

      I have grown up with the concept of ‘love your neighbour as yourself’, but always felt guilty as I never managed to genuinely feel that I did.

      I am very grateful to have found a teaching that acknowledges how difficult this is, and excited to start along the path of learning how to do it!

      • #57923
        Joanne Kabu-W10

        I always enjoy Douglas and Marion’s responses. I love your awareness. Thanks for sharing. <3


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