Reflect: Share something from the lesson that blew your mind, or even just gave you a new perspective.

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  • #37711

    Reflect: Share something from the lesson that blew your mind, or even just gave you a new perspective.

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    • #57325

      ” Do not observe the externality of the face , but the internality of the heart.” Quote from Baal Ha Sulam, in this weeks clip with Rav Leitman.

      Also from Baal HaSulam (from the Shamati, (recommended reading, last sentence:

      In other words, the internal will correct the external.

      If i compare this with the well-known statement “” mind over matter “, should not mind be replaced by heart,

      e.g is not conscience our  inner judge which leads more to corrections?

    • #57220

      My deepest prayer and desire is to have, to be given this perception as is talked about in the Video: Correcting the world. I ask that I can see others as myself in my day to day life, and that my actions towards others reflect this perception.

    • #57215

      I have grown up with the concept of ‘love your neighbour as yourself’, but always felt guilty as I never managed to genuinely feel that I did.

      I am very grateful to have found a teaching that acknowledges how difficult this is, and excited to start along the path of learning how to do it!

      • #57923
        Joanne Kabu-W10

        I always enjoy Douglas and Marion’s responses. I love your awareness. Thanks for sharing. <3


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