Reflect: Share something from the lesson that blew your mind, or even just gave you a new perspective.

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  • #28795

    Reflect: Share something from the lesson that blew your mind, or even just gave you a new perspective.

Viewing 6 posts - 103 through 108 (of 120 total)
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    • #187947
      MAROUANE Bakiz

      what blew my mind is ” the reshimot” recollections of past states.

      my question here is what do we mean with Past states….our memories as persons or our spiritual states after the descent from above ??

    • #182913

      I used to be a little afraid about spiritual stuff (ghosts, spirits, etc.), but by learning how to develop the will to receive, I have a kind of “magic” clarity and understanding about everything around me. Also, it feels as there is no turn back from it.

    • #128688

      All the teaching about our limited perception reminded me of Huxley’s book Doors of Perception where he explains the action of psychedelics as relaxing the filter of our senses and allowing more of reality to enter our consciousness.  This is why people have such profound experiences when they trip and it’s again being used for psychotherapy.

    • #128682

      Where to begin?! We are so fortunate to have access to this course, and this level of spiritual insight. I love the idea and application of absolute altruism and faith above reason – to mimic and embody the wondrous, life-affirming qualities of the Creator as to entrain to the Creator feels right, in my heart centre. This is real Kabbalah – not the purchasing of red strings or chamsa jewellery as though spirituality is a product of consumerism.

    • #128006
      Jan Koons

      I had glimpses of another reality (from What the Bleep Do We Know) and have long lost those precious moments. This course is not only reconfirming and reminding me but teaching me the whys and the how-to. I really was blown away regarding the way I have perceived a tiny amount of reality.  I had to play that video over and over again to comprehend the magnitude of what my program is allowing in.

    • #127938

      What is my own essence…My own essence is what I feel, what I imagen, what I sense…Fear, shame, guilt, lack, anger, sadness../Love, abundance, peace, joy, enjoyment…

Viewing 6 posts - 103 through 108 (of 120 total)
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