Reflect: Share something from the lesson that blew your mind, or even just gave you a new perspective.

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  • #28795

    Reflect: Share something from the lesson that blew your mind, or even just gave you a new perspective.

Viewing 6 posts - 115 through 120 (of 120 total)
  • Author
    • #52621
      Nancy Arnold

      That reality exists only within our own perception. There is no such thing as reality then. That was mind-blowing and thought provoking. I want to go beyond the five senses and ego that create my current reality.

    • #52593

      I have been living in a false world created by myself. Who I think I am is only but a fragment of a false identity. This really reveals a lot to me. I don’t even know what is real anymore. However, Kabbalah I perceive is a wisdom/science that reveals that true reality of the Great Unknown.

    • #52358

      This part gave me a new perspective about everything:

      “The only reason we lack the perception of the Upper World is that it’s surrounding us so abundantly, more vividly than anything we experience now, but we lack a screen over the sensor in which it can be perceived!”

    • #52123

      In Attaining The Worlds Beyond, Rav Leitman writes,  “Why, then, is he Creator silent in response to human pleas for relief? …people are much more concerned with their own progress than with glorifying the Creator. Thus, their tears are empty, and they leave this world just as they entered it, with nothing.” These words penetrated me so deeply, and I had the shocking realization that nearly always, underneath my seeming love and devotion to God, underneath my prayers to be emptied that I might be filled and serve, was a limited, self-serving interest. Wow.

    • #51897
      Mark Taylor

      I took my twice a day 2 mile walk that I use for meditation and prayer. I was listening to the different song birds the aroma of various plans and just felt so much closer to my surroundings and as I thanked The Creator for bestowing each of these I became more and more aware, in a humble and intimate way of my world around me.  I felt something that is tough to put into words.

      Many years ago I took a trip to wherever I ended up, camping along the way.  On stop was a primitive campground called Echo Park in Colorado. Google it 😀 It was a great place for introspection. I was 21 years old and had been raised in an evangelical Christian home.  I was in the process of sorting wheat from the chaff of my faith.

      I remember sitting on the bank if the Yampa river at Steamboat Rock and I asked The Creator  to allow me to see “his” hand in nature and the world as I went forward in my life

      Those few moments on that river bank are among the most precious in my life. I have returned to them throughout my life but these days I am retired and have more time to examine my world and reality. I think of that experience frequently.  I very much feel that what I am learning in Kabbalah is a system to experience the hand of the creator (as I had asked) in the most profound way possible while in human form

    • #51870

      The amazing statement that – being  the correct answer to the first knowledge question:  There is no reality outside a person’s perception.

      Awesome and mindblowing indeed.

Viewing 6 posts - 115 through 120 (of 120 total)
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