Reflect: Share something from the lesson that blew your mind, or even just gave you a new perspective.

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  • #28795

    Reflect: Share something from the lesson that blew your mind, or even just gave you a new perspective.

Viewing 6 posts - 109 through 114 (of 120 total)
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    • #61134
      ben cooling

      i have writin so many times and it has been deleted.

      who new how good it feels to just write my thoughts out on this platform thank you.

      i have enjoyed the readings and the course pase is great.

      the power of the writing of baal hasulam.

      pop stop smell the air. reccivee all that has been givin as a an offering back to the one who created it under the law of the thought of the creator. i love the base of this. the meaning of life is

      to create a creatureand fill it with unbounded delight.

      thats an awesome start. so i have been enjoying seeing everything as a higher light from the worlds above. “seal and imprint” allowwing me to let go and fall into the arms o fht emoment knowing that is me giving to the creator. the act of recciving.

    • #60699
      Melinda Thai

      Nature is perfect, but our perception of it is not.

    • #59368
      Ed Mereoară

      Everything is new for me, I need to rush to a new perspective?

      • #288167

        I signed up for this class to … plant myself in the best environment to develop my divine self (point in the heart- soul) to full fruition. Pretending I am a seed, I imagine metaphorical stages: put in the fertile ground (this group); will die (corrections of my egoic structures); growing underground (not seeing results); above ground, seeking for the light (starting to see); being a tiny green shoot (grass level – tons of brothers & sitters); getting taller (growing in likeness to the Creator); becoming a Tree of Life who covers the whole earth (equivalence of form to Source).

        I am ONE with you. My perspective is changing (rapidly as I study). Since you’re here, could you, may be, observe the perspective of the group shifting into … closer to altruism, let’s say? No rush. Open minded. I assume you’re open-minded just from the fact that you’re here. Thank you for being you.

    • #58781
      Alicia Thompson

      It was helpful and resonant to hear you say the spiritual world is made of feeling states.

      So much of new age or other spiritual traditions talks of emotions being only human -lower level but the true moments with god I have had – the feeling was the most powerful radiation of all encompassing love /bliss/embrace of all.

      i know I am closest to god when I love without consideration/ego so this resonates greatly.

      The 5 sets of desires also should give us some peace, wondering why those we love are not interested when we can look and see they are still working to satiate desire 2 or 3 it’s no wonder they aren’t interested in unity with creator as we are.

      many thanks

    • #54814

      That Nature and the Creator are the same.

    • #53327
      Nadim Kseib

      the lesson reminded me of my childhood question: where did we came from? why are we here? is that all of it?

      these questions started resurfacing 1 year ago and ignited this spark to start searching and reached the Wisdom of Kabbalah

Viewing 6 posts - 109 through 114 (of 120 total)
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