Reflect: Share something from the lesson that blew your mind, or even just gave you a new perspective.

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  • #28795

    Reflect: Share something from the lesson that blew your mind, or even just gave you a new perspective.

Viewing 6 posts - 97 through 102 (of 120 total)
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    • #288855

      What we perceive does not begin to describe what the things we perceive REALLY are.

    • #286114

      We were created with the will to receive. This does not change in any of us. On the other hand, it is the purpose for which we receive is what we need to change to reach the Creator. When we understand that we were created with the will to receive for the sake of bestowing ghe good to others, then we become like the Creator and can know Him better each time we continue growing into bestowing.

    • #285566
      Abby Smiles

      We are all created of the desire to receive pleasure by The Creator, and our goal, as souls, is to become one with The Creator by conscious adhesion to the properties of the creator. Given that we are built to receive, we must shift our perception of receiving to understand that one can be both giver and receiver simultaneously in this reality. To be able to create joy while also receiving joy is a quality of The Creator.

      Self realization: I’ve been so focused on giving joy to others but afraid of receiving it myself. I am able to recognize that it is just as blessed to receive as it is to give and vice versa. And we don’t need to sacrifice anything in order to enact this discovery, what we need to do is instill this shift in perception to our actions of our everyday lives.

      Every action is a decision to receive joy. Our intentions of receiving are what drive our qualities towards that of the creator.

    • #284968

      That we can’t change our will to receive, only how to use it properly

    • #283185

      I see in myself an interest but not a burning desire. However, I still feel I want to move forward. These two seem at odds to me.

    • #282529
      Nic C

      The concept of the Will to Receive and the Will to Bestow. Prior, I thought of it as projection and reception, but changing my thought of projection to bestowal had a significant impact in my heart. I’m also blown away at how similar the ancient wisdom of Kabbalah is with so many philosophies and belief systems, but this one doesn’t need to be dogmatic, but rather a mode of being–an embodied experience is the goal. I like that very much.

Viewing 6 posts - 97 through 102 (of 120 total)
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