Reflect: Share something from the lesson that blew your mind, or even just gave you a new perspective.

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  • #28795

    Reflect: Share something from the lesson that blew your mind, or even just gave you a new perspective.

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    • #364676

      everything has to truly be real and come from the heart one cannot manipulate the system

    • #363417

      This may sound very Jungian, but since signing up for this amazing course, I have had my mind blown repeatedly – pretty much daily, in fact – by the synchronicities that keep hitting me: words, ideas, concepts that I hear that trigger a memory, lead to a deja vu moment or an epiphany. It literally feels, as I watch the videos and read the books, like my life is making sense, puzzle pieces are falling into place and questions that I didn’t even know I had are being answered.

      Amazing. Thank you all so much and may G-d bless you for the incredible work you do.

    • #363100

      Love. I didn’t think of love as such a powerful force. But indeed it is. I see it now. It is a greater force than anything on earth.

    • #362627
      marie claire

      This is so similar to Advaita Vedanta. However, during one of the videos that I watched on you tube it was explained that it is when we want to bestow what the creator wants that we can make that connection. I had a wonderful feeling out of that, that the creator’s wish is to bestow delight in or to us and that we have to want to give the creator that experience of pleasure. That is how I have understood it in any event.

    • #362519

      Watching the “Dr. Quantum Visits Flatlands” cartoon added to my understanding. 🙂

    • #359268

      The program. A game. Nothing listening to prayers. Nothing certain to be real, as in real meat. What are we eating, but only what we are being fed?  A-simulation is an option. From where?  A creator of the program, or The Creator of the a-simulation?  The play is to uncover the self. Everything else is just to big to be certain about.

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