Reflect: Share something from the lesson that blew your mind, or even just gave you a new perspective.

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  • #28795

    Reflect: Share something from the lesson that blew your mind, or even just gave you a new perspective.

Viewing 6 posts - 13 through 18 (of 120 total)
  • Author
    • #407856

      I still cannot fathom if there is no reality and everything is created inside our minds how that we all see the same things.

    • #406978

      I’m fascinated but the 6th sense, that can help enter into the spiritual world.

    • #390294

      I started to understand more on how the pure intentions of every deed or our works influences rhe outcomes towards others. Starting to reflect on the egoistic way we were created and the logic of trying to get back to altruistism in essence to get closer to our creator

    • #390144
      Yijun Sun

      1.There is no such thing as an outside world. There

      are desires, Kelim that create the outside world according

      to their own shapes. Outside us there is only Abstract

      Form, the intangible, imperceptible Creator. We shape

      our world through shaping our own tools of perception,

      our own Kelim.

      2.We cannot change the order of the Reshimot. That

      has already been determined on our way down. But we

      can and should determine what we will do with each


      Actually, our efforts don’t have to succeed; the effort

      itself is enough. By increasing our desires to be like the

      Creator (altruistic), we attach ourselves to higher, more

      spiritual states.


    • #390093

      It struck me how entrenched we are in the egoistic perception that its really like a fish in water in the sense that because it surrounds you all the time, you don’t know how egoistic you are. I can’t wait to acquire the sixth sense through immersing myself in kabbalah.

    • #386729

      Most of religion speak about purifying the mind and heart, purifying desires, on one hand, and emphasize the importance of love, compassion, caring, giving and forgiving on the other hand. What blew my mind is how kabbalah teaches in a very clear and practical way what is the join between those two aspects of spiritual life by correcting the intention of our desires.

Viewing 6 posts - 13 through 18 (of 120 total)
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