Share any/all of the following: What most inspired me in the course? What have I learned about myself in the process? What do I wish for my fellow students in their spiritual development?

New Home Forums Course Forums Kabbalah Revealed Interactive – Part 2 Course Reflections Share any/all of the following: What most inspired me in the course? What have I learned about myself in the process? What do I wish for my fellow students in their spiritual development?

  • #37716

    Share any/all of the following: What most inspired me in the course? What have I learned about myself in the process? What do I wish for my fellow students in their spiritual development?

Viewing 6 posts - 217 through 222 (of 408 total)
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    • #319641

      Dear Tony and Kabbalah team.


      I am immensely grateful, because I see, I feel and I am awakening deeper Love in my heart.

      Im sorry I don’t say understanding because I am putting the mind behind. that’s also why sometimes I just don’t want to awaken questions, because I deeply believe they come answered as I need them to be answered.


      I Love you all, thank you for your existence! as you do to me….I do to everything and everyone who come across this “Me”

    • #319616

      What inspired me most ? The course started & ended with the current state of our world, where, clearly, changes have to be made for humanity to survive. I like that KabU puts its work clearly in this arena – THE most important work we can do.   KabU is offering a solution, in that by becoming conscious of the greater whole & working towards creating that unity, instead of for our own egos, must indeed be in alignment with the will of the Creator.  If this is actually the case ( & I don’t know that, as yet),then we, who have been called thus far, may have a real influence on how the world now turns.  It seems to me that the revelation of Kabbalah now, is the plan of HaShem. Pretty awesome.

      In addition, I would like to thank each of these :-  KabU for its generosity in giving all this 10 week course for free, Tony & co for the inspiring videos, and the vision and mission of Rav Laitman for presenting this to the world.

      What have I learned about myself?  That I like a full discussion of the ideas presented, particularly I would have liked more explanations & argey-bargey, since some of these concepts have been very counter-intuitive for me, and rather intellectual – more than felt . I guess I felt a little alone in my questioning of what was being said, and in particular, my concerns with the use of very language very integral to KabU.   The picture so far is a difficult & overwhelming one – what is being asked is  – well, a complete change in my way of thinking, & the ego does it’s kicking & screaming bit, inevitably.    On the other hand, I  notice that some changes have been occurring naturally in my personal sphere, so I am being proactive in forming little groups to do various spiritual things. So I am being a little more out there in the world.  I frequently find that I have been “led”, though I don’t understand the  way, the “HOW” it happened. The push-pull thingey is at work, for sure.

      For my fellow students – well done for getting this far, I have found all your comments very helpful to my own reflections, noticing the many different ways all this can be processed, so giving thanks for that. May all your desires be fulfilled.

    • #319597

      What most inspired me is the vision of the one, what I have learned about myself is that I’m innermost taking part in it, and what I wish to my fellow students is that they trustfuly follow the trace it has layed out for them.

    • #319589

      “If the other souls think about you, you will live. If they don’t think about you, you will die.” It’s a quote from one of the recommended reading texts, which had a big impact on me. Thanks to this reading I realized that I am constantly thinking about my problems, and now i started to think about others.

    • #319534
      Ann Stephens

      What most inspired me in the course? There has been a long line of Kabbalists who have achieved the impossible AND they generously and meticulously passed this wisdom down from one to another so that this very generation can begin the process of Tikkun Olam. Wow, what a privilege.
      What have I learned about myself in the process? I am a selfish egoist. This a natural quality given to me by the creator, not a personal flaw or worse, something that I must project onto other people. Any shame I have held about this can now be used as fuel for my own correction.
      What do I wish for my fellow students in their spiritual development? Keep showing up. We have a long journey ahead, but we have wise guides.

    • #318536

      What most inspired me in the course was learning some deep truths that somewhat seem self-evident, yet I never saw them before. Also how spirituality works like a science.

      What I learned most about myself is what I’m made up of and what drives my desires and actions.

      I wish for all students to find every truth that’s possible to find and to gain the deepest wisdom and strength to use the wisdom.

Viewing 6 posts - 217 through 222 (of 408 total)
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