Share any/all of the following: What most inspired me in the course? What have I learned about myself in the process? What do I wish for my fellow students in their spiritual development?

New Home Forums Course Forums Kabbalah Revealed Interactive – Part 2 Course Reflections Share any/all of the following: What most inspired me in the course? What have I learned about myself in the process? What do I wish for my fellow students in their spiritual development?

  • #37716

    Share any/all of the following: What most inspired me in the course? What have I learned about myself in the process? What do I wish for my fellow students in their spiritual development?

Viewing 6 posts - 205 through 210 (of 408 total)
  • Author
    • #320363

      I wish for all of us to be able to recieve this knowledge and integrate it in our lives.

    • #320258
      Peter Hjorth

      I’ve been most inspired by the simplicity of the wisdom and yet it seems so abundant. I have learned that my search cannot be fulfilled by knowledge alone and I wish for my fellow students only love.

    • #320164

      1.I derive the most inspiration from the sense that I am on the correct path.
      2.I have discovered about myself that perhaps my initial assumptions about what I wanted were incorrect, and in reality, I desired something entirely different.
      3.I wish my fellow students to fullfill their desire to be like the Creator.

    • #320055

      I read in these responses from my Beloved fellow Kabbalah students that there is so much goodness and desire for Truth and this is amazing and beautiful.

      The Treasure of Perfect Adhesion with the Creator is already in your pocket (already in your Soul) and this will be fully, totally, and clearly Revealed to each and everyone, in His Perfect Will.

      Love IS all there IS.

    • #319969

      I wish for all my fellows to grow in their desire to feel like the creator…. I am unsure  of myself in this process, I hope I can come to believe this over time.

    • #319927

      Rather triggered than inspired: that evil too comes from Creator, because everything comes from Him. I still can’t take it. Evil comes from ego, and its creation was man’s idea. Man could have been just laughing about the snake’s proposal, but he chose not to, so it was his/my choice to create the ego and to serve it. The Creator still love man above his ego, but the man must live with the consequences of its ego, here on earth. Now the ego does not really exist, and nothing is truly existent, what is made by it. While only what the Creator creates does truly exist. Saying that everything I percieve and experience through the body here on earth is from Him feels to me like a sin, like I project my malignancy onto Him.

      This point brought a big resistance in me, and I even can not differentiate if this resistance is within my soul or within the ego. But even if it is in the ego, my ego seems to protect and defend the Creator, what is quite well.

      My wish for my fellows is to be so vigilant as they can in order to recognize the ego and its mechanisms and not to grope in.

Viewing 6 posts - 205 through 210 (of 408 total)
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