Share any/all of the following: What most inspired me in the course? What have I learned about myself in the process? What do I wish for my fellow students in their spiritual development?

New Home Forums Course Forums Kabbalah Revealed Interactive – Part 2 Course Reflections Share any/all of the following: What most inspired me in the course? What have I learned about myself in the process? What do I wish for my fellow students in their spiritual development?

  • #37716

    Share any/all of the following: What most inspired me in the course? What have I learned about myself in the process? What do I wish for my fellow students in their spiritual development?

Viewing 6 posts - 211 through 216 (of 408 total)
  • Author
    • #319917

      I have done this course before but grateful for the review. There is so much available to learn. Thank you.

    • #319836
      Julius Lindeberg

      The message of hope, I can change within my limited freedom of will, I hope for everyone to se the sacred in relation to the other.

    • #319784

      1.   Part 2 was mind-bending, soul-shaking and perspective-shifting.  I have written pages of reflections in my journal to keep track. An inspiring element is the accessibility of these teachings and how well presented they are here in this format – it´s a delight to be held through the process in such a way.  Thank you to all the teachers involved in this effort.  I am finding many voices combine, along with the things I´ve read and videos I´ve watched, to form a growing, inner voice that seems to be propelling me forward – prodding, questioning and prompting me to analyse my behaviours and thoughts.

      2.  To know that prayer is actually self-judgement – how I laughed (and cried) about all the years I have done my best to bargain and strike deals with the Creator to ease my suffering and the suffering of loved ones. There have been extremely difficult experiences in my life that have caused much trauma and pain. I prayed as I was taught.  I never knew why these prayers went unanswered (no solutions provided).  I prayed harder, more, better, made promises, but still, nothing.  I had a moment of realisation this month, seeing all the begging I have done, visualising those ´prayers´ hanging around in the ether and the Creator being unmoved.  For some reason, this provoked a fit of hysterics in me and I laughed and laughed until I could no more.  It was just so very profoundly funny.  That was a strange, revelatory experience.  I felt that when I was laughing, the Creator was too.

      3.  For my fellow students, I wish a speedy correction, in this lifetime if possible.  I believe in our efforts.


      • #319842

        Dear Leanne, thank you for the gift of expressing yourself in a way that is so touchy and moving, I felt you, your words cracked me up 😄.  I had not enough conscious awareness of it, but indeed felt – still feeling – that the Creator operates in a funny way, and laughs with Us, just was reluctant to approach Him from his funny side 🫣; thank you for reinforcing that 🙏, I am laughing more and more these days, my funny bone has been resurrected 😍.

    • #319761

      Through this course and other courses I’m realizing I don’t know myself as I thought I did, or others. or real life.

    • #319720
      Tammy McHenry

      I feel my desire growing with each lesson. Through each KabU course, I find more inspiration to move forward.

      I feel my desire for connection developing.

      I wish for all of us to meet in one desire, in one heart.

      It will be great to meet my fellow students (future friends) when we all reach that point in our coursework.

    • #319713

      I feel my heart opening more and more, and am immensely grateful to have the opportunity to contribute to world change through my inner work and correction.  All that I’m learning through the Kabbalah lessons resonate in my current progress and provide a very sound explanation. I feel more complete than ever before.

      I of course wish the same sense of  fulfillment and more to everyone.

Viewing 6 posts - 211 through 216 (of 408 total)
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